Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't Wait....

I tune to Mix fm every morning and stay tune if the topic being discussed interests me. This morning the topic is about patching up...

There was one caller shared a story about him and his wife. Some times ago, they had an argument and they have not spoken to each other about a week eventhough his wife made few attempts to say sorry and get over it. However, due to his man-ego, he did not respond to his wife and they continued silent-war until one fine day, when he realised and wanted to say sorry to her wife. He made some preparation, cooking for dinner, to make it a special day..to say sorry etc...but....it was too late

in the evening, he received a call...telling him that his wife has met a car accident...and she did not survive..leaving him feels guilty dan regret for the rest of his life..

his story made me realised..life is short..don't make it shorter by letting time goes by meaninglessly..appreciate each and everyone around us..cherish every minute we have with them...because we cannot turn back TIME..


  1. salam liyana,wahh bagus nya pergi join buat activiti social and kebajikan..very good effort liyana.And sesungguh betul..life is too short to be filled with hatred vengeance etc..lets enjoy it while we can.Re : tu lah liyana buat makeover sikit2 pun seronok,buat kita rasa happy kan..white and brown is a good combination:)

  2. k.zue,
    saya minat nak jd volunteer tp bila dah ada family ni susah sikit..masa sgt mencemburui...hehe

    suka tgk k.zue makeover rumah..suka sgt the outcome!

  3. Happy Mother's day too Liyana too.Moga kita dapat jadi anak,ibu dan isteri yang baik kan:) Suka lah gambar your kidas kat tepi ni yang dekat clocks tu..so sweet:) Buat chocolate ke hari ibu semalam?take care.

  4. Happy Mother's day to u too k.zue...masih aura mother's day
    aminnn to ur doa

    mother's day buat chocolate dan gubah flowers utk mak tp sayang gambar semua terdelete angkara si danish :(.
    my mistake lambat transfer to pc...
